Cost of Discipleship

Verse of the Day

This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad. All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it. 1 Corinthians… Continue reading Verse of the Day

Cost of Discipleship

Why We Need a Biblical View of Humanity

Our Human Nature and the Gospel When we look at the view of personhood presented in Scripture, the question of whether we are mere brain machines or something more becomes a gospel question. In other words, the integrity the truth of the gospel is undermined if we reject a biblical view of humanity, because, in… Continue reading Why We Need a Biblical View of Humanity

Cost of Discipleship

The Lonely Crowd: are our churches dying due to friendlessness?

I’m sure we have all lost count of the number of Christians who’ve stopped attending church or left their church to join another one because they couldn’t make any friends there. When asked they report that the church people were friendly enough. They were hospitable and welcoming. I’m sure we have all heard, “They’re nice… Continue reading The Lonely Crowd: are our churches dying due to friendlessness?