Cost of Discipleship

What to Do When God Seems Far Away

Have you ever felt like this? Say, you have just finished work and you have a few minutes to yourself on your drive home and you tried to pray. It should have been easy, since you were alone in the car. But you just couldn’t summon the focus or the desire. You’re soul just felt… Continue reading What to Do When God Seems Far Away

Cost of Discipleship

Come, All Who Are Weary & Carry Heavy Burdens.

Do you ever feel like you can’t let anyone see when you’re struggling? When things are rough at work or tough at home? Or maybe when there isn’t enough money or something isn’t great with your health? If so, you’re not alone. This world of ours regards fear, anxiety, pain, and hardship as simply bad,… Continue reading Come, All Who Are Weary & Carry Heavy Burdens.

Cost of Discipleship

Walk gently in the lives of others, as not all wounds are obvious.

An unkind thought, a careless word, can cause so much pain. Catch the thought. Hold the word. Words, and the Consequences of those words, said in anger, said in haste, said without thought or care for another person, can do an untold amount of damage to their heart. So quickly said, they cannot be recalled.… Continue reading Walk gently in the lives of others, as not all wounds are obvious.